Old Family Photos

Some of our family photos from the 20th century. Copyrights by various photographers.
Shulim Roz, Zlate Gamer, Mote and Malke Pelc  Shulim Roz, Mordche Pelc, Zlate Gamer, Malke Pelc Ica & Laima Vestuves  Yitzhak and Laima Pelc Rostovski, Glikman, Baron and Rozas children  Rostovski, Glikman, Rozas and Baron children Isroel Sher 1910s  Isroel Sher, 1910s Malke Pelc post WW2  Malke Pelc, late 1940s Plungian children late 1950s  Plungian children at Feige Taube Pelc birthday
Mote Pelc 1940-50s  Mordche Pelc 1940-50s Mulia Pelc  Shmuel Pelc Shulim Roz & Zlata Gamer  Shulim Roz, Zlate Gamer Mote & Malke Pelc, Simon Rozas  Malke and Mordche Pelc, Simon Rozas Shejna Milner  Sheina Milner Isroel Milner su pirma seima  Isroel Milner with family
Milneriai Alustoje  Milner Family in Alushta Shulim Roz and Ichok Pelc  Shulim Roz, Yitzhak Pelc Milneriai  Isroel and Lev Milner Zlata Gamer & Shejna Milner  Zlata Gamer and Sheina Milner Faive Shpic and Jenta  Faive Shpic and Jenta Chana and Shmuel Pelc and Kalman Slavin  Chana and Mulia Pelc, Kalman Slavin
Ginese Sher 1960s  Genese Korb-Sher Rita  Rita Gamer Isroel Pelc 1960s  Isroel Pelc Moshe Sendnom, Chaje-Dvejre Leibovich with 2 sons  Moshe Sendnom, Chaje-Dvejre Leibovich with 2 sons Ginese Sher pre WWI  Genese Sher, pre WW I Malke Pelc pre WW2  Malke Pelc pre WW2
Alter Korb and wife  Alter Korb and wife, USA Alter Korb with Family  Family of Alter Korb, USA Sore Rostovski  Tamara Rostovski Fajve and Tojbe Shpic  Faive and Toibe Shpic Korbai  Korb family Mote and Tamara Jashchin  Mote and Tamara Jaschin
Rita and Meishe  Rita Gamer and Misha Rozas Taiba Zelikovic, Shejna Roze ir Malka Pelc Mordechai, Gite and Mina Rostovski  Mordche, Gite and Mina Rostovski Chaim and Misha Rostovski  Hayim and Misha Rostovsky Jone and Avrom Pelc  Taibale and Avrom Pelc Jutale Korb  Jutale Korb
Milneriai (gal) Jenta Jashchin  Jenta Jaschin Kalman Slavin & Eta  Kalman and Eta Slavin Korbas (gal) Feige Roziene and Mote Rostovski - Laisves Aleja, Kaunas early 1990s Malke Pelc 1990s
Avrom and Fania Pelc  Avrom and Fania Pelc Hirsh, Aneta, ir Chenas Mama, Sheskinas, Mitia kaime Gurevitch wedding Mulia, Jona, Adi and Amir  Mulia, Yona (Taibale), Adi and Amir Lazar Rostovski
Pnina, Avrom, Yitzhak, Motl Peltz Tamara Rostovski, Taube Shpic, Yona and  Immanuel Sheskin Jenta, Toibe and Chaja Shpic Rozas family at Vilnius Wedding Hall - Paulius and Giedre wedding Moti Pelc barmicva David and Simon Rozas, Aneta and Motl Pelc
Hirsh and Taibale Pelc 1950-51 Malke Pelc 1929 Plungian Jewish Gymnasium 1929 plunge Shpic family early 1980s Hirsh Pelc 1931
Plungian birth certificate of Gita Pelc issued 1925 Misha and David Rozas Plungeje ~1989m. Shulim and Misha Rozas Shulim, Blecher, Monkevicius, Mendelis Shulim Roz
Feige Roziene, Imanuel Sheskin, Mordechai Rostovski  Feige Roziene, Mones Sheskin, Mordechai Rostovski in Shavl area Misha Rozas and Lev Milner  Misha Rozas and Lev Milner Zlata and Meishe Rozas, Shejna and Lejb Milner  Zlata Gammer, Misha Rozas, Sheina and Lev Milner Chana, Mote and Malke Pelc Feige Taube stung by bee early 1950s FT baby on chair edited
FT Dancing FT School portrait edited FT with hat Hirsh and and Rita Plungian Railway St ~1970 Hirsh and FT Pelc 1949 Hirsh and Taibale Pelc
Hirsh and Taibale stung by bee Michke Minster, Mote Pelc Mote and Malke Pelc, Ginese Sher Mote Pelc 1968 Mote Pelc laughing Hirsh Pelc
Rozai and Rita Simon Rozas 1974 Late 1960s new year Rozas, Pelc and Shpic Plungian kids early 1950s Rozas family 1974 (2) Rozas family 1974
Shulim Roz and David Rozas Hirsh and Feige Pelc 1960s Malke Pelc in front of her hourse in Plunge Meishe, David and Feige Rozas Misha and Shulim Rozas 1972 Scanned Photo-13
Misha and Feige Taube Rozas Roziene 1970s 2 Roziene 1970s Roziene 1997 Ester 1973 Ester baby 1973
Hirsh Pelc (2) Lev Milner and Misha and Feige Rozas Mote Pelc 1970s Ester in Palanga Mote Pelc - Plungian Mote Pelc reading 1970s
Rita Gamer Zlata and Rita FT Pelcaite in Palanga Malke and Yitzhak Pelc Sara Chajet and Ester Fainaite Simon and David Rozas early 1980s
Yitzhak Peltz skiing Ester 1973 (2) Isroel and Rita Pelc Josef Fain and Ester Fainaite Mote Pelc and Michke Minster among Plungian war veterans Mote, Malke and Yitzhak Pelc 1959
Scanned Photo-7 FT Roziene with David and Simon Isroel, Rita, Agnes, Simon ir Ester Misha Rozas Mote and Malke Pelc, Ginese Sher, Plunge 1960s Pelcai early 1950s